Specialty Cushions
C Cushions has produced cushions for unique applications. Inside of NASA's zero gravity plane. Medical equipment such as Ultra sound table, CT and Pet Scanners, MRI imagining equipment, to name a few.
C Cushions is a family business established in 1980 from the need for a water proof cockpit cushion. Thus the Vinyl Coated Closed Cell Cockpit Cushion was created. With No Seam and No Zippers, C Cushions is the only truly Water Proof Cockpit Cushion on the market today. We can produce cushions from one of our patterns (many popular production boats) or from your patterns or measurements.
C Cushions is a family business established in 1980 from the need for a water proof cockpit cushion. Thus the Vinyl Coated Closed Cell Cockpit Cushion was created. With No Seam and No Zippers, C Cushions is the only truly Water Proof Cockpit Cushion on the market today. We can produce cushions from one of our patterns (many popular production boats) or from your patterns or measurements.